Thursday, May 23, 2013

Service-Now JavaScript Library Resource

I want to share something I've put together. It's a library of Service-Now JavaScript files to help with auto-completion in your favorite IDE (it works great in Netbeans).

This allows you to easily see what functions are in a GlideRecord or GlideSession object, etc. Extremely useful for learning about new functionality, as well as programming more complex Service-Now scripts.

There may be something like this already out there, but not to my knowledge. These are not official files, but rather a compilation of information found in the Wiki, Forums, through Firebug, and just perusing the scripts in the instance.

I've attached all the files I have, as well as instructions for setting up the auto-complete in Netbeans if that happens to be your preferred IDE.

If anyone has anything to add to this, or has a better/more complete library, let me know!

Service-Now JavaScript Library

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